Docker Policies


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure platform flag with FROM command is not used for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0001


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure range of ports is from 0 to 65535 AC_DOCKER_0011


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Pinned Pip Package Version AC_DOCKER_0010
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure to avoid RUN with sudo command AC_DOCKER_0007
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure apt is not used with RUN command for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0002
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure dnf Update is not used for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0003
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure yum install allow manual input with RUN command for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0004
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure Yum Clean All is used after Yum Install AC_DOCKER_0009
Infrastructure Security json MEDIUM Ensure root with RUN command is not used for Docker file AC_DOCKER_0005


Category Resource Severity Description Reference ID
Infrastructure Security json HIGH Ensure the use absolute paths for your WORKDIR. AC_DOCKER_0013